
"Anyone who doesn’t want to become an apprendice will never become a master."

Jan Tschichold

Experiment 02

Copying is creating

Egon Schiele believed that hands had the power to express feelings more effectively than the face; hence, the wide variety of highly expressive hands in his production.

Copying Egon Schiele was the beginning of a creative process that involved copying his drawings and understanding the artist’s references trying to imagine how Schiele would view or imagine a photographic production. The photos are not an accurate presentation of his works for in the trajectory of creating something identical, something new came up. The act of copying worked as a knowledge-seeking process.

"Imitate. Don’t be shy about it. Try to get as close as you can. You will never get all the way, and the separation might be truly remarkable."

Bruce Mau


Processo de criação em design gráfico: Pandemonium, is the book by Leopoldo Leal as a result of his Ph.D. dissertation at the FAUUSP.


  • Design Prof. Leopoldo Leal
  • Advisor Prof. Vicente Gil
  • Developer Arthur Ervas
  • Motion design Eleanor Greenleaf
  • Photography Cris Inoue